
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bicycle Ghost Deck

Bicycle Ghost Deck
The Ghost marks a new era in playing card elegance.

Everything about the Ghost Deck is white, black or gray. The only red portion is BLOOD red and is the small pip underneath the index, as seen in the above photo. Even the court cards have the color drained out of them which makes for a powerful and eerie deck.

Designed by Ellusionist, the Bicycle Ghost Deck has a UV-500 Air-Flow Finish, thick high grade stock, and an amazing design. Five solid months of design work went into the Ghost Deck. It maintains the general Bicycle look & feel, but adds incredible touches that the red and blue decks lack.

Latin on the Joker says: "The World Invites Deception".

One of the Jokers is stepping on an Ace of Clubs, one is not. When you turn the Ace of Spades upside down, you'll notice snake heads at the base of the pip. In addition, there is a hand coming out of the top of the Ace. Whereas the Black Tiger Deck is tight, focused and aggressive, the Ghost emanates beauty and energy.

The materials on how to learn the magic tricks.

There are several decks that you need in order to have a very good magic performance.

Bicycle Black Tiger Deck

Let this worldwide sensation claw its way into your hands!

Everything about the deck screams HIGH-IMPACT.

The visual impact of the cards is startling. Voodoo, witchcraft, burned and blackened cards... mere concepts come alive with reverse image cards.

The first run of these special edition Tiger decks completely sold out within 96 hours. Now is your chance to get your claws on the second run with even more special edition features, including black-light sensitivity and the highest quality card made by the US Playing Card Company.

As an available option, decks can be purchased with red font color for the hearts and diamond cards the look ----> a w e s o m e.